Tech Topic Connection


The healthcare industry is growing slowly compared with other industries using computers.  Since the dawn of Windows personal computers, healthcare computing has grown by leaps and bounds.  Healthcare requires on a lot of sensors and peripherals to read and display data.  Scanners, printers, Pulse monitors, oxygen sensors, blood pressure monitors, etc.  Healthcare uses high-level programming languages and programs execution methods.  Healthcare is mostly going web-based, and that means more integration and availability both on and off-premises.

A lot of healthcare data is stored in databases, and database management is the key to the success of an application.  Especially with the increased use of electronic health records, databases are becoming fundamental in healthcare use.  Healthcare is also under malware and other online attacks that make their systems very vulnerable.  The industry needs to invest in high-grade protection systems to defend against multiple online threats.  Internal threats also need to be addressed to prevent data breaches.  I chose the healthcare industry to provide the role of computers therein.  When monitoring patients, doctors and nurses can take records and direct medications at the point of care. This reduces the potential for errors from employees trying to read the writing or remembering the circumstances later on. 

It also adds performance because doctors and nurses can enter relevant data on the scene. Medical computers measure medical devices that operate CT Scans, ultrasounds, MRIs, or blood tests. They can even be combined into the equipment itself, freeing space.  Additionally, doctors and nurses can show subjects their X-Rays and other pictures or videos to explain their health and medication. Computer monitoring saves lives in hospitals. Computers control heart rate monitors, lab equipment, blood pressure monitors, and other crucial medical equipment and notify staff if something is not correct. In some cases, computers can aid doctors in procedures, making situations more safe and convenient for patients and personnel. While computerized equipment monitors a patient, it is also collecting the data constantly to be accessed in the future if needed.

Being tech-savvy in healthcare allows better delivery of patient care daily. Technology helps assess, diagnose, and treat patients faster. Digital wearables, smartphone apps, scanners, and more help nurses solve patient problems with ease. Implementing this technology can even reduce patient, and hospital costs delivered faster and more accurately with care.  To take advantage of these benefits, you need to be adept at keeping up with the rapidly evolving world of health care technology. As standard technology becomes more advanced, so will the technology used in our hospitals and health care facilities.

The future of healthcare is shaping up in front of our very eyes with advancements in digital healthcare technologies, such as artificial intelligence, VR/AR, 3D printing, robotics, and nanotechnology. Computers could help change unsustainable healthcare systems into sustainable ones, balance the relationship between medical professionals and patients, provide more affordable, faster, and more effective solutions for diseases with technologies that could win the battle for humans against Cancer, Covid, or Ebola and could lead to healthier people living in stronger communities.

Directly, computers play a significant role in implementing care in all phases of health. Aside from the development and support of patient's records, they perform an informed function in public health examinations. On the one hand, computers are the key representatives of health management information systems. On the other hand, they are vital handlers of geographic information systems, electronic therapeutic records, bioengineering, education, and study. They are also being used in mathematical analysis of various data and hence, play an innovative role in leveraging the quality measures of public health professionals and operators.  Commercial grants are required to promote and maintain computers at all workplaces.


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